Tuesday, 30 April 2013



Sooo, I'm off to see my favorite band ever in the history of everything in a few days and I'm far too excited right now! I'm going with all my faves in a massive group of 10 and I CANNOT WAIT! Its going to be such a good weekend. We're seeing them on Saturday 4th May in Manchester and staying in Manchester for the weekend(hopefully to try to meet them and so we don't miss our train home..)!

I've already seen them live 3 times and they were literally the best nights of my life! 
I first saw them on the 'Above the noise tour' at Manchester M.E.N. on the 19th March 2011. Truly one of the best nights of my life! Although we were quite far back it was still such an amazing atmosphere with everyone singing the songs all concert and shouting and screaming for the boys! 
(Bad quality, I know :-( ) The stage was amazing!
Danny Jones the absolute God
Best end to a concert ever

Honestly I thought nothing could beat that night. Not even another McFly concert but I was completely wrong with that! The following year in April 2012, I saw them for the second time in Preston at the KCAPL tour! This time we were standing and the atmosphere was AMAZING! I've never experienced anything like it! Everyone was signing  and screaming and jumping and it felt like everyone knew each other, even though we didn't. 

 Although at this concert I did learn to stand my ground when people ask if they can squeeze past you because they don't really want to 'get to their friends on the other side of you' ... they want your place. But it was honestly the best experience ever!

(Reaaaaally bad quality, I was too excited) 

All my photos seemed to be of Danny
After that AMAZING experience I got to see the amazing boys in my home town of Blackpool on the 24th June 2012, on the Headland. Again the concert was standing and it was such a good atmosphere yet again (I put that down to the shared loved of the same people by the whole of the crowd)! 
Mr Dougie Lee Poynter
Tom Fletcher
Forever a Pudd girl 
The weather was lovely and the other acts there like Lawson and The Wanted were really good to! I spent the day with my closest friends and jumped and sang our way through the whole thing! It was BRILLIANT!
So after the three truly unforgettable experiences at McFly concerts I honestly CANNOT WAIT to see them again. I cant wait to sing along and scream and fangirl and be surrounded by other Galaxy Defenders and experience the atmosphere! 


Monday, 29 April 2013

Friday, 26 April 2013

Worst week


This week has 100% been the worst week I've had in a long long time. And there isn't even a real reason why it is. It just was.

Nothing has seemed to go right this week, literally nothing. I've had so much work for health and social care and all my revision for my exams. And then my mouth decides to swell up and give me major pain, even though only 2 months ago I had root canal treatment on the same tooth, grr. I've broken down in tears so many times this week at home just because of pure stress, pressure and annoyance at the world.

And then to top it off Wednesday was the 7th anniversary of my grans death, which was a hard day for all the family especially this year after everything that we've been through. So that was hardly a fun part of the week, especially when all you want is the world is just to be able to see that one person again and tell them you love them. R.I.P. Gran, Hope you're being looked after whilst watching down on us and smiling<3 
Me(I was only a few days old) and my gran, the most beautiful person I've ever met, both inside and out 
I've spent a lot of time with my family this week, purely because they keep me grounded, cheer me up, make me feel safe and I love them all to death. My family and my wonderful friends have been the only things keeping me going this week. 
My family in 2011, minus my dad
My family photos are always taken on holiday...
My amazing and absolutely beautiful girls
I've spent the whole week in a constant bad mood and I must have been horrible to be around! Lets hope for a better week next week! EEEK MCWEEKEND STARTS IN 7 DAYS! 


Saturday, 20 April 2013

My day- 20/04/2013


Today was boring but still a good day!

Work was so quiet that there was literally NOTHING to do and I didn't even have a party to host so that was a bit rubbish! But not to worry I've got a 6 hour shift and a party to host tomorrow!

But the sun was out so when I finished work, so I got to spend some time with my mum and the dog in the garden chatting and gossipping(to my mum not the dog...)! Honestly love my mum to bits! She's also booked a weekend in Cornwall for me, her and my dad in July which should be brilllll! Ive never been to Cornwall so I'm extra excited about that!

I then decided that seen as id been promising my Friends Easter nest cakes(which they've never had, oh my god) since well before Easter I should probably make them! So that's how I spent my afternoon! If I'm quite honest I'm rather proud of them(I know they're the easiest things ever to make but I don't care)! and if you've never made/had Easter nests, WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD?!

Feel very nostalgic, I always used to make these every year as a child with my dad!

I've also eaten a ridiculous amount of food today and drank a ridiculous amount of Mountain Dew, so safe to say I feel rather sick this evening. Well done Hannah. 

We're now in the 2 week countdown till McFly! EEEEK, so very excited!

Time for me to stop writing, chill out and watch YouTube videos because that's how rock and roll my Saturday nights get! 

Friday, 19 April 2013

Week 1


Oooops, not blogged all week. Gaaaah 

My week in 5 words? Diet, College, Sleep, Revision, Exam. 

Safe to say I'm completely knackered and fed up on revision and dieting and exams already. Can it just be half term again? or even better can it just be summer already?

My diet is more of a healthy eating mission. Pretty boring if I'm honest, I'm bored of it already and I've only done one week. I didn't even loose weight which is also a MAJOR knock in my confidence and motivation. But I'm going to sort out my swimming membership tomorrow then I can start a bit of exercise too.

I'm currently getting majorly excited about the McFly Tour with all the spoilers and pictures! Cannot wait for that! Only 15 more days and then its Manchester for the weekend and the McFly concert with all my faves :-)

So yeah, have a nice weekend!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Sleep deprived


So I've not even got back into the college routine of early mornings, long days and nights full of work and I already feel like I've been doing it for 3 million weeks. Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration but still. 

After three half 6/7 get ups on Wednesday and Thursday for college revision days and then Friday for work(the first of three days of work) late nights and messed up sleeping pattern I feel like absolute death. Fair enough the last two days I've slept in till around 10 but on both days I stayed up till about 1 just scrolling though tumblr and watching endless youtube videos and then had to go to work. Yes, okay my shifts at work were only 4 hours a piece, but I work with kids so its hardly quite. 

I hate how long it takes my body to catch up on sleep and how easily it slips back into zombie mode. Why cant I be fully energised and refreshed every morning I wake up no matter what time it is?? Hmm guessing that's too much to ask for. 

But yeah back to college tomorrow so I suppose I better get used to being so sleep deprived and tired and zombie like. 

OOO and its the start of healthy eating and exercise etc. etc. tomorrow. Double yipee for Hannah. 

Early night tonight ready for the 6:15 get up and 7:30 treck to the bus stop. erg. 

Enough rambling from me. 

Friday, 12 April 2013



So from Monday its back to the daily chore that is Sixth form, yipee. But with the added work of a million tonnes of revision ready for exams, double yipee. So on that front I'm realllllly not looking forward to the next few months!
So this is how the rest of my April looks, Fun Fun Fun.

PLUS, when I go back to college on Monday I'm going to start back to my healthy eating/diet/get fit for summer routine, which should be fun... (I'll probably blog about that because, well lets face it there's nothing else in my life to blog about)

But for now I've got the weekend to rest up and get ready for it all to start! which is hard to do completely considering I'm at work. 

Speaking of work; My work colleagues usually call me Hannah or Han but one of my closest friends, who I also happen to work with, has let everyone else in on that little secret of my nickname Ham, so now I'm also known as Ham at work...which is always good. Including my new till sign in name being Ham!

Hannah, no one cares. 
Yep, bye :-)

P.s. I feel a massive idiot writing random shit about my life because I doubt anyone even cares, but I want to blog about things that happen as a reminder and to just be able to get things out of my head. okay. Plus I'm sick of always talking to myself about things. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

First time blogger coming through

Hey, Hola, Bonjour, Howdy, How're you:-)?

mhm normal
Sooo then...
I doubtt anyone's going to actually read this but thought I'd give blogging a little go!

Basically in a nutshell I'm Hannah, but all my little shits of friends call me Ham. I actually have no idea why but they do. I'm 17 and pretty much live my life on the Internet and obsess over McFly and YouTubers. Standard 17 year old really. Nothing special. 

That's about it...Ill see how long this blogging thing last for!

