Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Why the long pause?

Well as far as not neglecting my blog in 2014 goes I'm really not doing a good job. I just haven't had the time recently to sit and do a full post. But even last week was too crazy to sit and do my weight loss Wednesday post. In fairness though I didn't really do a very good job at staying healthy; life was a bit crazy, so it wouldn't have been very motivational for anyone. 

BUT it's half term now (even though we're already half way through already) so I've got a little bit of time to just sit and write some posts. So that's what I'm going to do and then I'll probably scheduled them for the next few weeks; cheating I know, but I know that I'm not going to have much time to sit and blog for a few more weeks. 

I have a few posts which I'm in the process of finishing so I'll post those in the upcoming future, but in all honesty I have (YET AGAIN) writers blog, and very few ideas for posts. So if anyone has any suggestions, tags or anything let me know! I'm pretty open minded!

So I hope everyone's okay and having a good February! 

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