I've seen a few bloggers and YouTubers do this and I thought I'd give it ago! I'm one of those people who carries a bag full of rubbish because they're too lazy to empty it. But I emptied it of the majority of rubbish, like wrappers and things and kept the best bits in there; it's a great excuse to empty your bag this post!

I always have my umbrella in my bag, whcich was about £5 from Tesco or somewhere like that, especially since I live in England. With the recent sunny weather I've also been carrying a pair of primark sunglasses and some sun-cream. I usually leave my headphones in my bag, and of course no bag is complete without a stray pencil and set of cinema tickets.
I'm quite practical so I always have a stash of baby wipes in my bag somewhere, these are quite cheap ones which come in a pack of about 5, they're brilliant for travelling. My keys are always in my bag to; and my key rings are possibly one of favourite things I own. My Harry Judd key ring was a Christmas present from a close friend, the scouby thing was made by a close friend too and then the pink Eifel tower was a classic tourist gift to myself when in Paris earlier this year. The piece of paper is my results slip from AS year at sixth form; I took these pictures just after results and enrollment at college.
The last few items in my bag are just general items and some make up things. I carry my purse with me, which is from Primark a few months ago. A compact mirror which was a present from a close friend is always in my bag. If I'm going out for the whole day I'll always put my clinique stay matte powder(my favourite and currently most used), Maybelline New York Falsies Volum' express mascara and The Body Shop Born Lippy lip balm in my bag as a just in case security net. I carry Nivea beautiful underarms, roll on deodorant with me too(I think that's what its called; I only noticed that its facing the wrong way whilst I was writing this post!). With the recent hot weather, my constant headaches and with being prone to dehydration I also carry a bottle of water with me to!
And that's my bag! I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!
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